The previous owner had a title issued in the 60’s identifying her as a ’48. That year, Airstream had issued the 19-footers without a model name, temporarily calling them the “no-name nineteens” and asking the public to name the model something to do with “wind.” The winning entry was Trailwind. We had read that the ’48 Trailwind serial numbers started at either 5000 or 5001, and if it was 5000, that meant our #5018 could be the 19th no-name nineteen!

Then when we actually got it up to Alabama and took some measurements, we discovered that the shell was 16’, making the trailer 18’ overall. And that it had a coupler on the front of the pipe frame, something that wasn’t introduced until 1949. We found a thread on a forum that identified #5017 as a ’48 19-footer. So according to everything we’re reading, that one was the last one and there is no “19th no-name nineteen.” We believe we actually have the first 18-footer.
Either way, it’s one of a kind!