The other night it was rainy outside and we got a hankering for some curry. We had lots of yogurt and sour cream on hand so thought we'd make an indian-style yellow curry. As we debated which vegetables to put in it, Tom opened the freezer door and waved his hand from top to bottom, like a magician with a trick up his sleeve. "Pig meat!" he said excitedly. "A wild one I got up at the ranch." Before the onions were even sizzling, he'd chopped up two frozen-solid roasts into bite-sized pieces with what must have been a very sharp knife, and we were off and running. On closer inspection there were still a few bristles attached, so we picked those out as it cooked.
Everyone hung out in the kitchen over a curry cooking class and some made-up, state-fair-style games, like trying to get a ringer throwing round rubber gaskets at bottles, chandelier lights, and cabinet door and other assorted handles (you had to call your shot before throwing it). We'd never tried that particular type of curry with pork before, but it all came together. Spicy enough to make your nose run a little - just right for a rainy night. Served it up on some brown rice with whole coriander and cumin seeds sprinkled in for flavor. It was a fun night.
Our next house HAS to have an open kitchen-dining area. That's definitely on the short list of non-negotiables.
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